Data SGP

Gambling Jul 23, 2024

Data sgp is an effort to assemble, analyze, and publish multi-proxy sedimentary geochemical data from Earth history time slices. In this way, we can address a wide range of research questions, from global to local, across all geologic timescales and epochs. This goal of data sgp is accomplished through collaborative, open-source work with the support of community members.

Data is available on Github and through the sgpData portal. The main goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive, publicly accessible geochemical database for the Neoproterozoic through Paleozoic eras. We also strive to make this database available for other researchers through an accessible web-based interface and permanent archiving.

Student growth percentiles (SGPs) describe the amount of growth students demonstrate compared to academically-similar peers. These percentiles, which run from 1 to 99, are interpreted similarly to percentile ranks, where lower percentages indicate that a student out-grew less of their peers and higher percentages mean they out-grew more of their peers.

The SGP calculation combines student assessment scores from several years into a single value, which is reported to teachers and administrators. It is based on a statistical technique called quantile regression, which compares a student’s current year test score to the average of their previous years’ test scores. This enables educators to quickly identify which students are excelling in an assignment or struggling.

For this reason, SGPs are often used to guide instructional decisions. They can help determine whether a student should stay at the same grade level or advance to the next one, and can help educators identify which students need more targeted instruction and interventions. SGP data is also useful in assessing teacher performance and providing guidance for educator compensation.

While there are many different ways to use SGP, the best way to get the most out of it is by using it in tandem with other student assessment data. This is why the sgpData data set is available as an exemplar: it provides sample, anonymized student-level assessment data in WIDE format, similar to the formats required by the lower level studentGrowthPercentiles and studentGrowthProjections functions.

For each student, the sgpData data set contains their SGP for every assessment in their history, as well as their teacher-level growth percentile for each content area. Teachers may have more than one SGP associated with their student, depending on the number of assessments they have taught during the same testing window. For these reasons, the sgpData set includes an optional, anonymous column for the instructors associated with each student’s test record. This can be helpful for interpreting teacher-level SGPs and identifying teachers who might need additional training on how to effectively use SGPs in their classrooms. It can also be useful for understanding teacher growth over time.

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