We’ve all seen those domino constructions where, after tipping the first piece ever-so-slightly, it sets off a cascade of rhythmic motion as the rest fall. Dominoes are a great metaphor for a story, and the word “domino” itself has been used to describe anything that can have the same effect as an entire line of dominoes.
Despite the company’s setback, the CEO of Domino’s stayed true to the company’s core values and continued to promote the value of listening to employees and customers. He did this by reversing the chain’s previous policy of ignoring customer complaints and instead addressing them directly. This approach worked and in just a few years, Domino’s was back on track.
Domino’s success is a testament to the importance of listening to both employees and customers, but the company also has many other key principles that are worth considering. Some of these include a commitment to innovation, a focus on employee growth, and a dedication to customer satisfaction. Domino’s has been a leader in the fast-food industry in this regard and has created several innovative new products.
A domino is a small, thumbsized, rectangular block that features a center divide that can be either blank or bearing from one to six pips or dots: 28 such pieces form a complete set. The word may also refer to a game played with such blocks, the rules of which are generally based on matching the ends of adjacent tiles and laying them down in lines or angular patterns. The name derives from the Latin dominus (master). It was later applied to a type of hooded cloak with a mask, worn at masquerades and carnivals, and to a long black or white domino piece that contrasted with the priest’s white surplice.
In addition to being a fun way to pass the time, domino is also an excellent tool for learning about math and logic. Most games are based on counting the pips of a tile, and some can be manipulated to teach children about number recognition. In fact, the very first known domino puzzle was a simple pattern that could be solved using only a few tiles.
Dominoes are a popular game throughout the world, and the Inuit people of North America have a game that is similar to Western dominoes. They are also played by the Inuit people of Greenland, though some scholars have questioned whether this is an authentic game or a European import.
In the late 18th century, dominoes were introduced to England from France (perhaps via French prisoners). There are many different games that can be played with dominoes, some involving blocking and some requiring a calculation based on a particular set of numbered tiles. The game moved to the United States in the early 19th century and a number of different manufacturers produced games and puzzles using ebony dominoes. Later, the pieces were made in a variety of colors.